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New User Registration

Verify Email Address
Email Verification User Registration Complete
Account Registration Please enter in your email address, then press the "send mail" button. Please use only smart phones or PC. PC is recommended.
Be careful of the following

1. GMAIL USERS PLEASE BEWARE! gmail addresses will not receive email, so we recommend to use instant address email instead.
Please download and install here:
download here
Create a new email address first using this app, then continue registration from there.
For other email providers, make sure you have set your spam filter settings to allow receiving emails from the following domain:
2. Please check your junk mail or spam inbox folder
Full Name * Required
Full Name (again for verification) * Required
Email Address (will be used as login ID) * Required

Email address (one more time for confirmation) * Required
Phone number * Required
Password (over 4 characters) * Required
Password (again for confirmation) * Required